I found myself standing up and singing with my headphones on (wearing only my boxers obviously) trying to mimic the sweet knee shakes from 1:14 to 1:19. I started to think about what I looked like and started cracking up and realized I am, in fact, an idiot
Not sure how it would be possible to NOT LOVE this song... maybe if you hate great outfits, awesome haircuts, flashy dance moves, and catchy lyrics? This last week and weekend flew by as usual, and I feel like I did lots of fun stuff.
Friday night I went to the oakland athletics game with sabo, anne, JZ, and neha. The mighty athetics won so that was good, and then they have a pretty serious fireworks show afterwords. They let you go onto the field and lay on the grass and then they turn out all the lights and show the fireworks with oldschool journey and phil collins songs blaring, so that was real cool. Heres sabo and anne enjoying the moment while people file onto the field:

Saturday we went into San fran for a bit which was great because I haven't really seen it at all. We BARTed in and then walked all along the water down to fishermans wharf to grab some delicious seafood. It was also farmers market day (not sure if this is every day or weekends or what) but there were tons of booths set up selling everything from bread to olive oil to fruit to cheese. They let you sample anything you want so its really fun to just go around eating all sorts of stuff. I had pomegranate for the first time and sabo bought a couple PLUOTS (fruit that is half plum half apricot) so I was expanding my pallet all over the place. We walked around for like 4 hours total (oh yea and we went to ghirardelli square where they make all the chocolate) and the weather was just so nice I fell asleep on like 4 different park benches. ahhhhhhhhhhh
We had people over saturday night and had fun playing cards and hanging out, then I got up sunday and went to the early service of church to stay on my wake up early plan (i woke up at 8:30 like 4 time this week... DEFINITE IMPROVEMENT). The music minister at the church ive been going to looks EXACTLY like NC states basketball coach sidney lowe, ill try to awkwardly snap a picture during church (sacrilegious?) so you can see the other half of the comparison
Played some tennis after church with dan and sabo, im horribly out of shape and have lost all athletic ability so no surprise there. I bet on sports probably 3 times a year, but Dan and I decided the Steelers could never lose at Chicago, so Pitt -3 (sports betting 101: pitt -3 means you take pittsburghs score at the end of the game and subtract 3 points. So we bet on pitt - 3, if the bears win or pitt wins by 2 or less, we lose. If pitt wins by three, its a tie. If pitt wins by four or more, we win) is printing money and we threw down some dollars on the game. Bears win by a last minute field goal after the steelers have TWO TRIPS TO THE REDZONE in the FOURTH QUARTER for a total of ZERO POINTS, ARE YOU KIDDING ME. there was 21 seconds after the field goal, could it be that a last second EPIC drive by the steelers is in the works and it will be the best day of our lives? OH NO, pitt just decided to fumble the kickoff return and end the game right then
serves me right, sportsbetting is for the birds. later on sunday, sabo and I went down to lake merritt to meet some friends for a potluck pICNIC DINNER at the lake. A lot of them are TFA people and the stories NEVER GET OLD. kids going crazy, kids slapping each other and teachers, fights, kids making out, just straight up chaos. it was fun to go be outside and throw the football and eat delicious food so the picnic gets an A+
hahaha when I plugged in my phone to get that picture of sabo and anne at the game on my computer, all my pictures came up. here are some winners...
This is the perfect summary of my last semester at chapel hill. Relaxing on a beautiful day just napping on the steps of the library, rough life

View from our hotel room in vegas this summer, this picture gives me the itch so Im gonna have to go out one of these weekends

Abby's (my dog) infamous doggy diaper that she had to wear when she had that leaky bladder. It cracked me up every time I saw it for a solid five minutes, especially since the family began to call them her "fancy pants"

Supposedly my car gets delivered today so that is awesome (THANK YOU MOM AND DAD THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUUUUUU). Im going to the A's game on wednesday with a kid who plays cards with me online who recently moved out here as well, so that should be fun. Hope all is well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN grandma and I hope the beach is marvelous
IVE GOT A CRUSH ON YOUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
first comment! whoo hoo!
ReplyDeleteit sounds like you guys are making friends and getting to know the area so well already! Glad you are having picnics and spending so much time outside since the weather is AWESOME there. Really wish I could have seen you dancing around trying to imitate the video... hilarious!
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ReplyDeleteYes, Nick, that is a great song, but acting out the moves and singing with your headphones on does make you crazy!!!! I was viewer 530.078 of that YouTube video... I wonder how many of those "views" were you playing it over and over again!
ReplyDeleteSo glad that you FINALLY made it to San Fran. Isn't Fisherman's Wharf awesome?!? That was so neat about the Farmers Market and free samples...and of course, Ghiradelli square is incredible. You do need to get to Alcatraz sometime while you are there. It is fascinating too!
I'm happy that you are making so many friends and enjoying so many activities. Love you Buddy and miss you tons! Can't wait to see you in just a few weeks!
Your descriptions give such a visual image I am cracking up at the thought of you rockin out to "I've got a crush on you", especially the part with the knee shakes! Glad sports betting turned out to be a negative experience:). Dad and I have been to ghirardelli square ~ love the chocolate and sourdough bread in SF. Glad you are getting your car sooner than we thought and you can do even more exploring ~ PLEASE DRIVE SAFE OUT THERE! Love you and thanks for the update~