well i just got back from vegas and the entire trip was just chaos
ill just give you minute by minute of the first day and you will get the gist of the trip
10:30 am
- I board my southwest plane to LAS VEGAS. I forget southwest has no assigned seats and dont know what to do. I play it cool and figure it out.
10:55 am - I get cold and realize i left my sweatshirt in the san fran airport. YES.
12:40 pm - Arrive at the westin and fall asleep for a few hours until heho arrives (heho =
4:00 pm - Heho and I hit up the poker room at MGM for a little 1/2 no limit. After playing for 2 minutes I confirm that everyone is in fact terrible. I will crush these games.
6:30 pm - I'm stuck $600 vs people who dont know which hands beat what. Is this happening? I lose my last stack to a drunk guy who i am 90% sure is too inebriated to read his cards. I pinch myself to wake up from the nightmare. IM ALREADY AWAKE
6:32 pm - I tell heho i need some dinner and 15 punches to the face. henrys up like 200 or something, at least one of us is winning. I pound some subway and take 4 more bills out of the ATM, vowing to not go to sleep until im even
7:00 pm - I'm back at the tables. I am focused. I am an animal.
7:07 pm - I get stacked by an off the clock dealer in a standard hand. -800 so far. This game is expensive to play
7:15 pm - I hit up the ATM for 1k and go to the roulette wheel to double it up and be even really quick. I put it all on red and
HAHA just kidding mom (i know this story is making you worry already)
7:15 pm - really though im still sitting at the poker table folding 26o every hand and wondering how many people i must have killed in some past life to deserve this
8:15 pm - The inevitable happens and I stack someone. It is a weird feeling for the chips to be pushed my way after the hand. i like this
11:00 pm - I meet a professional rock climber from wyoming. His forearms are as big as my thighs. i have a new friend and we chum it up between hands
12:15 am - I stack rock climber guy. Hes not my friend anymore. I'm sitting at -400 or something at this point
2:00 am - Henry is falling asleep at the table and hasnt said a word in like 3 hours. Hes heading back to the hotel and I tell him I have unfinished business
4:00 am - Ive been playing for 12 hours, no biggie. A drunk guy joins the table and I mentally prepare myself for him to own me. I stack him, SHIP IT
6:00 am - Drunk guy is making funny jokes, but I dont laugh because im too tired and have been playing poker for 14 hours straight and hate my life. I win some pots and am like +$25 dollars on the night i think
6:15 am - I cash out and am in a daze. I start the walk back to the hotel and the guy in front of me is walking the strip smoking a joint and drinking a keystone light tall boy. welcome to vegas. 6 drunk people on segways whizz by. welcome to vegas. there is a man dressed as captain america sitting on the curb. welcome to vegas.
6:30 am - I pass a dennys and get sucked in for dinner/breakfast/whatever meal im supposed to be on. I am starving and ecstatic. I order eggs and double hashbrowns
6:41 am - Midway through the meal I see an advertisement on the table for buffalo wings. Why not? I finish my eggs and order buffalo wings
6:55 am - i have a life crisis. I am sitting in dennys at 7 am eating buffalo wings alone. rock bottom, is that you?
7:30 am - I get back to the hotel room. heho is passed out with the blinds open, the lights on, and saved by the bell on tv.
7:32 am - wow saved by the bell, i havent seen this show in a long time. this is the best day ever, why cut it short? I am suddenly not tired and get sucked into 2 episodes of saved by the bell "the college years"