Wednesday, November 25, 2009

weird sleep schedule = payday

so i went to bed at 10:30 last night to try to fix my sleep schedule and become more like a normal person. I promptly woke up at 3am wide awake and ready to PARTY

scott is asleep in room next to me so I couldnt exercise or play loud music or watch tv or something so I just played cards from 3 to 4am, PAYDAY

i think it was this song just relaxing my soul and took me to the pot of gold

and before you all feel like im rich, Im not even cashing any of this out because I need to keep some more $$ online so its basically just numbers on a screen. I did go shop online and buy two $20 sweaters from Gap afterwards though, BALLER

ps - i should have quit after 2k hands

pss - after this i played video games until like 7:30am and then got tired and went back to bed. Then I woke up at 11:30 and talked to mom on the phone and now its 1:30pm and im tired again so im probably gonna go to bed again? sleep schedule = donezo


  1. Wow!!!! I'm impressed! think I walked in my sleep last night.

  2. Yes, definitely a weird sleep schedule, but something was working last night! You and Grandma have the weirdest sleep schedules of anyone I know!!!!

  3. I make $10 an hour tutoring, that's pretty comparable to $1250.85. Sweet

  4. post pics of sweaters plz

    mega pot at hand ~1180?

  5. Pay day!! More than a picture of your sweaters I would like to see a pic of the emo skinny jeans you bought!!!! Hahaha
