I encourage you to right click the song of the day and just open it in a new tab and let it play in the background while you peruse
Wow its been a week and I havent updated... I bet youre all just sitting at your computers crying and refreshing the page and waiting since this is the GREATEST BLOG OF ALL TIME (GBOAT)
Thanksgiving was relaxing up here, Scott and I went down to the rec center last week and played basketball with some local 15 year olds. Each of us had about an 18 inch height advantage, so a typical possession went:
1. Nick shot (miss)
2. Scott rebound (without jumping)
3. Scott put back (miss)
4. Nick rebound (without jumping)
5. Nick put back (miss)
etc. etc. etc. SKILLS. see you suckahs in the NBA
Thursday morning I took scott to the airport, swung by justins place in the city to pick him up, and then headed towards Sacramento to eat thanksgiving dinner with maren and her family. Justin is a fellow professional button clicker and maren is one of his good friends from law school. They both live in San Francisco and are good people
I took my camera to thanksgiving but managed to take 0 pictures (trend?) so I had stalk this one from facebook. Maren is awesome so of course her family was awesome and they were as nice as they could be. It got out that Justin and I were professional poker players so we had to own some of her younger cousins after dinner in card games. Hustling teenagers on the basketball court and then in poker, BALLIN. When he was broke and started making wagers with Itunes gift certificates we knew our job was done (we didnt make him pay). Justin and I stuffed ourselves and chatted it up and then headed towards Lake TahoeEeeeee (2 hrs from sac)
Driving into tahoe I look in the rearview mirror and see this
YESSSSSS. The cop walks up to the passenger window and is noticeably angry. He tells me I was going 56 in a 40 and that he has been "FLASHING LIKE A UFO" behind me while I proceeded to drive for 300 additional yards (not sure how this was possible by the way). I tell him I was focused on the road in front of us and sorry I didn't see him. Justin is on his laptop in the front seat and the cop starts yelling at him, asking why HE didnt see him. "WHAT YOU DOIN ON THAT LAPTOP SON, YOU PLAYIN TETRIS ON THAT THING????" Justin just looks confused and says he doesnt know ahahahahahha.
So im like well this is great. He gets my license and registration and starts asking me about north carolina, if I like wilmington etc etc. He says have you been drinkin son I say NOPE. Its like a switch flips and he is suddenly our friend, cracking jokes and chummin it up about NC. He eventually tells us he wants to "catch a drunk" tonight and that we aren't his guys and lets us go. SHIP ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Thank you God and thank you officer harrington
We roll into Tahoe, drop our stuff at the hotel, and go hit up one of the casinos for some poker.
Cliff notes of poker: Justin and I play cards for 4ish hours with the worst people ever but are never dealt hands and situations to take advantage of it. We sit folding 74o 30 times in a row while contemplating about ripping our hair out. We get owned by fish for like 100$ each and go to bed defeated, angry men
Ok it wasnt that bad but we did both actually lose money which is kinda funny considering we play for a living and these people were clueless. C'est la vie (look how cultured i am)
Lake tahoe was awesome and looks like this
It was snowing like crazy the day we were leaving so I cant wait to go back ya heard
Then I made my way back to Oakland and shattered the healthy eating plan. I ate a large mushroom pizza, 8$ worth of food off the taco bell 89 CENTS value menu, and 24 inches of subway in something like 36 hours. BLOBASAURUS rex reporting in
Phew this got long, ill put up the roommate post soon so you can see who i live with
haha goodness your thanksgiving was just a LITTLE different than ours-- haha glad you liked our pictures that we took in your memory though. I'm so glad you didn't get a ticket, that cop sounds funny. So I think you guys should just stick to poker online... b/c in real life at the tables you aren't cutting it! Love you :)
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree with Leah. Your Thanksgiving was much different than ours! And you were missed! (Even though we were half-smiling as we hugged the picture of you from middle school!) Glad that the cop let you guys go. I guess he didn't think you could be just nice, not drunk, guys. Glad you changed his mind!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post Nick and the tip about how to let this awesome music play while I am perusing your blog...haha! We really did miss you around here, and am so glad you escaped without a speeding ticket, especially since you lost money at the casino. Love you!
ReplyDeleteTried twice. My comment wouldn't post.
ReplyDeletehhahaha grandma, you have to ask mom or tara what is going on! Let them help you!
ReplyDeleteLet it be known that I still love this blog, and do refresh often.