the last 4 days in colorado have been such a fun, chaotic, blur that im still surprised it was real life and not a dream
We rented this awesome house in vail and eventually had 28 (? i think?) people staying there. Our friend Arch lives in Denver with his girlfriend Amanda and they were the only ones who knew everyone (he also organized the whole chaotic thing, im not even sure how), but there was a group of kids from UNC (me, drew, nic, ptuns and dtrain), tampa, Kansas, Chicago, and Colorado. It was a cool dynamic and no one was cliquey and i had a great time getting to know all the new people
between snowboarding all day, hanging out with friends all night, and the general insane party environment that 28 young people in one house will produce, I probably got about 2-3 hours of sleep per night. Combine this with the fact that my last 10 meals have been (in order)
1. burger king
2. burger king
3. mcdonalds
4. taco bell
5. chimichangas at a mexican restaraunt
6. chimichangas at a mexican restaraunt
7. dominoes pizza
8. chimichangas at a mexican restaraunt (they were really good OK?)
9. taco bell
10. mcdonalds
and you can clearly infer that I am feeling like im about to die and just want to sleep for the next 5 weeks. We got fresh powder every day, and the mountain was huge and awesome just like everyone said. It was great to hang out with drew and allison (our friend who lives in vail) as well, since we have been friends since 4th grade and are still going strong

we met and hung out with ally and some of her friends one night

and just cut a rug on the dance floor

which i havent done with drew and ally since middle school dances probably

A good time was had by all and between the snowboarding and dancing my quads got the workout of a lifetime. Luckily there was a hot tub at the house to soak the sore muscles in, except on night 1 we had like 13 people in it (it probably seats 6 max) and we overflowed over half the water onto the porch, hahahahahaah
I didnt bring a camera to the slopes, but ally snapped this one with her cell phone so its all you get

It wasn't too cold or crowded and the fresh snow was great, so we all got really good runs in. A couple times I got stuck in 5-6 feet of powder, and I cannot even begin to explain how tiring it is to hike out of deep snow at that altitude. It would take me like 10 minutes to make it 10 yards, and then I would just lay on the slope, rip off my helmet and goggles, and wheeze trying (and failing) to catch my breath hahahahaha. PEAK PHYSICAL CONDITION, THATS ME
We hung out in the back bowls a lot where the runs would look like this, and you just pick your lines and weave, trying not to run into trees (thanks again for the helmet mom and dad!)

One time i was cruising probably a little too fast and took a branch that I didn't see straight to the goggles and it just flattened me on my back. This caused a mini tree avalanche and 20 lbs of snow just dump down onto my face and chest, it was like it was straight out of a cartoon hahahahahaha
All in all it was a great time meeting lots of new people that I hope to see again and snowboarding on a sick mountain.
Ally, thanks so much for showing us around and letting us know all the local insider INFO yo

everyone says I have the grimy, ski-bum look down pat, maybe its my new calling?
Im home in CA for 48 hours before heading to NC for a while to hang with the family, so Im gonna unpack, wash some clothes, repack, eat all my perishable groceries, and see if I remember how to play poker.
Its been a great january, considering I have snowboarded Squaw Valley, Sierra, Kirkwood, Heavenly, and Vail, gone to the national championship game in pasadena, and seen lake tahoe, los angeles, hollywood, santa monica, san diego, denver, and vail. PHEW
time to take it easy for a bit
Shreddo McMogulson