Thursday, January 14, 2010

A good day all around

song of the day: Walking on a dream. The music video is funny because the two guys are absolutely nuts

First, dont get spoiled with all these updates right in a row because I can't sustain this level of productivity for sure

Second, Dads biopsy went really well about the cells on his tailbone and they got all the samples they needed without difficulty. Now we just wait and pray for favorable results on Tuesday

Third, I put in a lot of hours the last few days on the tables and am making some good $$$, which I feel hasn't happened in loooooooooooooooooong tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime

Fourth, I hit a royal flush which is always fun

You'll notice that my name on this particular site is "HARLEMHARLOT." Choosing screenames is a big deal to me on poker sites because you want to choose a name that annoys someone or makes them mad when they lose to you so that the revenge factor kicks in and they keep coming back for more. Justin and I were deciding on my new account name and after some winners were already taken like SWEETSUGA or MS.PASSION he suggested HARLEMHARLOT and a legend was born. Plus the site allows you to have a little picture beside your name, and mine is this

So if that doesn't get under someones skin, I dont think anything will. Genius, I know

Fifth, I made sauteed shrimp and asparagus for lunch and felt healthy. I ate it reading and looking out over the deck because its a beautiful day, BOOM perfect lunch

The only downside of today is that I just went in to use the bathroom and up until now I have been immune to asparagus pee. Everyone is always like MAN ASPARAGUS MAKES YOUR PEE SMELL SO TERRIBLE and im like yea yea yea whatever my body is a freakin machine because mine always smells normal and awesome

Well today i finally understand what everyone was saying all along. I'm just standing there doing my thing and boom the asparagus pee smell hits me like a 18 wheeler and I almost knock myself out. my senses reel as i wonder how such a terrible smell could come from my beautiful body and everything goes black as i fall unconcious

hahah just kidding about the last sentence but besides that it was a good day

see you guys later

ADDENDUM: wow i forgot this best part. I was looking at that old blog post and saw this picture

is that what I think it is? clear curvature on both the left and right leg? Is this the end of the cankles? probably not, but ill have to remember this pose angle so i can recreate it


  1. Nick, you CRACK ME UP!!! I was already laughing out loud with the whole HarlemHarlot thing, and then seeing that picture sent me over the edge...And then, really, asparagus pee?!? I've never heard of that, but dude, I believe you. Sorry you finally succumbed. Love you so much!

  2. hahahaha gosh you are hilarious. The cankle picture just put me over the edge hahahaha... I will have to say that I do see some curvature BUT it could just be the way your legs are turned!!


    Anyways I'm so glad you are doing well at Poker since you probably haven't played in like 2 months b/c of all your travels. I've never had that experience with asparagus... guess my body is perfect :)

  3. Too much detail on the asparagus...even for your Mom!

  4. The things guys talk about - asparagus, no less. Congratulations on the royal flush - I hope you get lots more! Keep posting on the blog. Love ya.
