My sports betting woes continue (standard), I took the Colts -4.5 and obv lost $300. I lost some more money betting random things like the coin toss (i suck at betting?), but Im more worried about a bet with my friend Will. I took the colts again with a breakfast at waffle house riding on the line. We dont call Will BIG COUNTRY for nothing, and Im probably gonna be buying 16 egg biscuits, 40 pancakes, and a metric ton of country ham for this kid one morning in the near future

Its ok peyton. You made that "CUT THAT MEAT, CUT THAT MEAT" commercial from a few years ago which I still yell out randomly to this day, so its all good.
i have continued kickin it with the kids next door
which included building one of the prettiest snowmen to ever grace the earth
Considering its just a lump of snow, Im not sure it ever counts as a snowman (snowmound perhaps?). Yes, I will in fact zoom in on the face so you can see it even better
beautiful. WOW, yes take another look at that. Im probably gonna print this picture out and put it up beside my diploma, because honestly, thats as impressive as any degree I can think of. Maybe ill just put it on the cover of all my dental school applications, HELLO INSTANT ACCEPTANCE?
Played some cards tonight to recover super bowl losses, Ive put my thoughts in red so you can understand what I'm thinking as I play

I ran out of room, but usually above "I love my career" the next thought is "Wow im going to waste this money shopping for T shirts and flatbill hats on the internet" or something to that effect
Other than that, ive been chilling with the fam and getting hustled at scrabble. Taras doing well with the twins, Dads doing well with his treatment, and everyone else is doing fine
life is good
you crack me up. I absolutely love that commercial with Peyton in it too haha hilarious.
ReplyDeletePlease take a picture if Will orders that much food!! And I loved your snow-mound :)
P.S. getting owned at scrabble huh? How about that 108 point word I dropped on you this morning.... YEAH!!!
HAHAHHAHAAH you're gonna lose all your poker winnings at waffle house. Liz says y'all should have just bet a Denny's breakfast, then you could have just gone tomorrow and gotten that FREE GRAND SLAM along with 23897059875 other people.
ReplyDeleteWe love hanging out with Uncle Nick! Yes, the snowmound is impressive, but not as much as the snowman you made out of playdoh, complete with sunglasses, shoes, hat, and scarf. Definitely would have been picture-worthy...why didn't I think of that?
ReplyDeleteSorry about the Colts' loss, and even more so about your Waffle House breakfast bet.
The only thing you didn't mention was Settlers of Cataan- You are holding your own in that game! And yes, Leah, you and Kyle are killing us in Scrabble. One day we will get you!!!